Those Little Fun Size Treats . . . .

Since Halloween is most definitely a time of Treats (and who can resist some of the stuff, anyway?)  I thought we might as well know exactly what we were "treating" ourselves to.  All those little Fun Size candies seem to be EVERYWHERE, so before they creep up EVERYWHERE else, if you know what I mean, here's a little low down to help keep it all in check . . . 

So, if you want to treat yourself, go ahead.  Just remember that those little fun size bites add up . . . Stay away from the whole bowl!

Some of the most popular Halloween candy and the amount of calories in each fun size piece:
Halloween has always been one of my favorite times of the year!  I'm all about dressing up, decorating and carving those pumpkins.  Feeling a little nostalgic for those days when it was all such a big deal in our house, I've pulled a couple of my favorite photos . . .  Ah, those were the days!
Why yes, shirts are always optional when carving a pumpkin . . .


What is your favorite candy?  Do you give away candy? Fruit? Money? Is there a piece you absolutely have to have or hate?