Comparing Yourself . . . to Yourself

Comparing ourselves others is something we know not to do.  It is one of the first lessons on any type of personal development path.  We all know that "comparison is the thief of joy".  Right?Today while I was walking I confessed to beating myself up lately because I had been in a negative loop of comparing  myself. . . . not to someone I  don't know on social media, in a magazine, at  the gym or someone I do know in real life, but to myself.  Comparing yourself to a past version of yourself, or to yourself at a younger age, or in a different season of life can be just as unhealthy, unhelpful and, simply, a waste of a lot of time, energy and mental  space that could be spent in so many better, more productive ways.  I found the best way to handle this negative loop.If this is something you have found yourself doing, take a listen on your walk, in your car, folding laundry. . . whatever.[embed][/embed] I hope this helps you if you ever find yourself in this sort of  negative loop.  Simply do what you  can to live  your best version of yourself right where you are, in this season.    Forget the rest.Hope you have a great week!

Live Well!

Marla-Deen Brooks