December with Less Distraction

I thought I'd share a portion of my newsletter that went out this week - just in case you are thinking how nice it would feel to be a little more focused on the season and less distracted. . .Tell me.  What distracts you?  What throws you off and keeps you from doing what you actually want to do and love to do and makes you feel good?Is it mindless scrolling, mindless worry, or mindless busyness?  Or something else?  Let's do LESS of that this month and MORE of what makes you feel centered, present and joyful. so, with that in mind, I've come up with a little plan for the month to help make this a really good month, full of you being present, right where you are, and NOT distracted away from your family, the Season and where you are each day.  So, let's take month to be intentional with your time and presence.  Take a minute and think about what it is that takes you away and is your distraction.Week 1:  Eliminate your phone from your morning routine.  No social media, No emails, No news.  Give yourself at least 10 minutes to begin your day with only YOU.  Sit quietly, meditate, pray, read something intentional.Week 2:  Take a break each day with the time you have, 10 - 30 minutes to be outside, preferably walking, but with only you and your surroundings.  No earpods, headphones or phone.Week 3:  Make your car a place of peace.  While driving around town, shopping, driving to and from work, turn off your radio and any other noise.Week 4:  Be intentional with your time and presence.  Really be where you are and with who you are with.  At holiday events, meals, conversations with friends and family, leave your phone, worries, busyness and distractions in a drawer (real and imagined).I also shared th3 Best Recipes for Busy Women this Winter - Simply Real Health.  And, a post a wrote a couple of years ago about the 12 Things I was Giving Up for Christmas.If this is the type of content you enjoy, find inspiring and want to read more of, please share AND make sure to join the newsletter list!You'll get more pep talks and conversations!

Be Well!

Marla-Deen Brooks