How to Find Your Mojo
Hi there!
Welcome to my new and improved, updated site! I’m so excited about a refresh and doing some new work here. I hope you’ll pop around and let me know what you think! We still have a few tweaks here and there, but I was ready to get started.
So. . . . as we are into what seems like day 4,567 days of a gray and dreary January, and as we don’t seem to be racing over the new year line as we hoped (hello virus that can’t seem to leave the party), there may be some lingering sludge keeping us from feeling like we used to or want to or know we could.
Have you ever found yourself googling ‘how to get your mojo back?’
Or maybe not actually googling it, but asking yourself the question?
I think at some point or another we all find ourselves a little off and maybe not feeling like ourselves. And now, after feeling like we are in this COVID limbo, it is no wonder.
Since this space is all about sharing tips, nuggets and ways to continue to move, grow and magnify our wellbeing, I am confessing that I have been in that space lately and have been working on finding my way back. I am sure this isn’t the first time I’ve felt like I needed a reboot, a little boost or, honestly, a kick in the pants. It’s not something that I’m ashamed of, nor should you, if you are feeling a little stale.
There are a list of things that can bring on a type of lethargy. It can be something as simple as the dreary January days. It can also be something bigger that has knocked the wind out of your sails. Perhaps it is a combination. Maybe you can’t really pinpoint a particular “thing” pulling you away from your normal way of doing and feeling.
The point is that there will come a time when you just want to get “you” back. Get your “mojo” back.
As I was thinking about this recently I actually looked up the word mojo. Here it is.
1. a magic charm, talisman, or spell.
"someone must have their mojo working over at the record company"
spell · incantation · conjuration · rune · magic formula · magic word · abracadabra ·
Hmmm, so this is a slang word that takes on a different meaning than how we typically use it. But, I like the reference to a magic charm. Right? We all have a magic that makes us who we are. Individual. Different. A particular energy that we only have. A certain something that sets us apart.
Maybe you don’t refer to it as mojo, maybe you want to get your groove back or your “get up and go”. Whatever it is, you want that certain “thing” back.
Lately, I’ve found myself not doing the things that I used to do and I’ve been lacking the same energy. (My boys would likely like this as they often tell me I was too “perky” in the mornings). While it is often a good thing to change and release some of our habits or ways of doing things as we enter new seasons of life and grow and change - you know yourself. And you know when it’s a good, healthy change, and then when it’s just NOT.
So, in beginning my path to get my mojo back, or at least get myself back to doing and enjoying the things that, well, make me “me”, I’ve taken some time to do a little reflection, a little research, and a little soul searching. Here are some steps that have been helpful.
1. Remember your Why
This is really the answer to most things. If you are feeling stuck and aren’t moving forward in the path you have set forth for yourself, then take it back to why you want to be on that particular path. This can be a simple why or a deep rooted one. Here’s an example:
Yesterday I had a plan to go out of town and woke up early to get in a quick workout before getting in the car. This used to be a simple thing for me. It used to be one of those “no brainers” that I just did, with no hesitation or second thoughts. This has not been the case lately. Somewhere along the way I’ve lost the motivation and discipline that would grab me out of the bed and into my workout gear before I even thought about the warm covers or even a cup of coffee.
I’m not really sure when or how it happened, but it has slowly taken its toll and I don’t like it. So. . . when I find myself giving myself excuses I make myself use one of my old habits of thinking of my future self. Whether it’s that early morning workout, making myself go to bed earlier, picking up a book rather than flipping on the TV, to name a few. . . . thinking of the after rather than how I am feeling at the moment helps make me “do the thing”. Remember, it’s not about motivation.
2. Put on some good music.
Sometimes you just need a little fun, some happy tunes to give you that pep in your step to do the thing you are pushing back on. I think of it as a little bump to get you over the hump. Music has all sorts of healing powers and can be a simple trick to get you up and going. I’ve read about writers with writers block, creative folks who are stuck and know from experience that your entire mood can be changed with good music that stirs you and makes you smile. And if it makes you do a little dancing, that’s even more powerful.
I created my own “Be Happy Playlist” for those times I wanted a guaranteed lift. Check it out or make your own!
3. Do something new/fun/that lights you up.
When was the last time you did something just for the fun of it? Do you remember what really lights you up?
What about getting out of your comfort zone to try something new?
If your response to one or all of these questions is, “Well, gee, I can’t really remember.” Then I am challenging you right now to get off your bottom and do every one of these things:
*something that is just plain fun to you (not your spouse, your kids, your mom – just you), *something that lights you up and gives you that spark inside of you and just makes you so darn happy. (I used to sneak off and wander around the bookstore all alone. Sounds so nerdy and simple doesn’t it? But it used to make me so darn happy. Honestly, it’s been far too long since I’ve done that.)
Something brand spanking new that is out of your comfort zone. Sure, it may feel uncomfortable and may be a challenge but the feeling you will get afterwards, the sense of accomplishment, the sense of wonder at what you just did, the new confidence you will get will give you that boost you are craving.
4. Focus on YOU. Forget about what anyone else is doing, stop comparing yourself and get off of social media. PLEASE.
Need I say more here? I don’t think so.
5. Be an Adult. Put on your big girl panties and just do the thing.
Sorry, but a little tough love here. Sometimes the magic is just not going to happen. The stars and moon are not going to align perfectly. You are not going to FEEL like doing what ever it is you want or need to do. That’s life, friend. That’s where you just have to be disciplined and forget about motivation or how you feel. If you want to think about the feeling part of it, think about how you will feel AFTER you have put on your big girl panties and accomplished “the thing”. That’ll be such a good feeling!
Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate your staying, reading, commenting and questioning. While I have always wanted to give and share in this space, I am also so inspired and learn so much from you all. Let’s keep the communication and community going and growing!