A Different Gratitude List I've made a different kind of gratitude list and am thankful for so many . . . Read More GeneralNovember 21, 2021appreciate, choices, choose happiness, choose joy, coaching, gratitude, gratitude list, healthy lifestyle, inspiration, Intentional Living, John C- Maxwell, joy, joyful living, Life, life coach, live thankful, mindset, positive mindset, seasons of life, thankful living, thankfulness, Thanksgiving, wellbeing, wellbeing coach, Wellness Comments
The Joy of Giving a Good Day General, Health Tips, MotivationDecember 6, 2020Chade-Meng Tan, give, giving, Intentional Living, joy, joyful living, kindness, mindfulness, ten second rule, Tim Ferriss, wellbeing, WellnessComment
Understanding AND Protecting Your JOY General, General Post, Health Tips, Motivation, My StoriesNovember 29, 2020boundaries, COVID, create joy, depression, grief, Healthy Living, Intentional Living, journey, joy, joyful living, mindset, passion, purpose, seasons, seasons of life, wellbeing Comments