Work Your One Job

My latest Walking & Talking video shared a big "aha" moment I experienced.Not too long ago I was struggling being a Mom.  My boys had recently lost their Dad.  I was learning or attempting to learn how to be a single parent.  Navigating all the things and in constant fear that I was going to make a mistake.I thought I needed to be all the things for my boys.  I was going to be the very best at being the good cop, bad cop, Mom, Dad, coach, counselor, cheerleader, advisor, nutritionist, disciplinarian, listener, chaplain . . . just ALL the things and ALL THE ROLES.Until one day my very wise counselor told me that I only had one role.  To be a Mom.  That was it.  It wasn't my job to pick up all these other roles and carry the weight of all of those other jobs.That was a huge lightening moment for me.  And a huge gift.  It freed me to do the one thing that God placed me here to do.  Be a Mom.  I could focus on that one role and be confident in doing the best job in that one role that I could.I share this with you if you find yourself trying to pick up other jobs and roles that are not yours.Let them go.Be what God created you to be.Stay Well!Marla-Deen Brooks      And if you'd rather listen,[embed][/embed]