If you are Feeling Less than Confident . . . This is for You! If you are feeling less than confident . . . Read More Habits, life coaching, MindsetMarla-Deen BrooksOctober 23, 2022wellbeing, coaching, confidence, resilienceComment
Walking and Talking: The Best Way to Change Your Life The best way to make a change . . . Read More General, General Post, Habits, Happiness, Healing Time, Health, Health And Wellness, Health Hacks, Life Changes, life coaching, Life Lessons, Lifestyle, mindfulness, MotivationNovember 16, 2021choice, coaching, create change, habit change, life coaching, longevit, mindfulness, mindset, move forward, Resilience, walk and talk, wellbeing, yComment
How to Have a Pity Party General, Health Tips, life coaching, Motivation, My StoriesFebruary 9, 2021emotions, encouragement, grief, handling emotions, Intentional Living, life coaching, life hacks, life journey, Longevity, mindfulness, mindset, move forward, pity party, Resilience, strength, wellbeing, wellbeing tips, Wellness, wellness coaching, wellness tips Comments
New Year New Path Family, Fitness, General, Health Tips, Life Coach, life coaching, Motivation, My Stories, WellbeingJanuary 17, 2021addiction, career change, coach, empty nest, enneagram, fit over 50, fitness, Goals, health coach, healthy hints, healthy lifestyle, Healthy Living, Intentional Living, joy, life coach, life seasons, love language, mindset, motivation, New Year, nutrition, positivity, purpose, Resilience, seasons, wellbeing, wellness coach, widow, widowhood, women's issuesComment